Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Planning Homemade Christmas Gifts

Good Afternoon Everyone!

   Today I would like to talk to you about Christmas. Yes, Christmas. I know that y'all have gone to the store and saw that there are Christmas decorations already out, right next to Halloween. The only reason that I am recommending this is because crafting takes what? TIME! We all know that as the holidays creep closer and closer we have less and less free TIME. Do you see a pattern here? Now I am with y'all procrastinators, waiting until the last possible second and then stopping at the gas station on the way to the party. I get it, more than you know. However, in the spirit of planning I am recommending a jump start on Christmas gift making. Now I know ladies who started back in January for December gifts, bless their diligent hearts. That is not me and if you are still reading, I assume this is not you either. I can plan like a rock star but I just cannot think that far in advance, and that is OK. Here are some tried and true steps to getting this stuff done before Christmas.

  • Make a list of everyone you are gifting this year.
  • Do a Pinterest search. (Suggestions are: Easy Christmas gifts, DIY gift ideas, mason jar gifts, homemade Christmas)
  • Once you have all your ideas saved, make a list of items needed to make the projects (I recommend doing multiples of each gift {ex: if you have 5 aunts make all 5 the same gift with a small variation})
  • Looking at the list determine if this is a realistic amount of money you can spend to make these gifts, if so, proceed. If not, try and modify it until it fits your budget.
  • Gather materials and set aside some time to work. Let's be honest, you can craft and binge Netflix your favorite shows. Or even better is to get a group of friends together and make the stuff together, assembly line style, don't forget the wine.
  •  Starting now will help you not panic at the last minute. You will show up to the party with a beautiful homemade gift and a non frazzled last minute gas station special.
I hope that these tips help you be a proactive gift maker/giver this year. Enjoy the time spent with friends and family with a little less stress this holiday season. 

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