Sorry I did not disclaimer earlier. I do not get online on the weekends. Besides the fact that the weekends are normally family time it also gives me time to purge from my online weekday time :) We had a very interesting time as first time parents. Rascal decided that he was going to take his diaper off and poop in his bed during nap time. But of course it didn't stop there. Then he proceeded to smear it all over the bed, floor himself and even take a taste YUCK YUCK YUCK ! Oh the pleasantries of being a parent :) On the plus side, Roscoe and I were able to snag my mother in law to babysit for a couple of hours and got to spend a nice grocery trip and a visit to a local shake establishment in peace. Sunday was baking day. We made out very first homemade bread and it turned out WONDERFUL. To top off the baking day we also made 2 apple berry pies. YUM.
Please remember that today is Valentine's Day and gifts from the heart are more meaningful. Even something as simple as a homemade card. Keep it simple, and enjoy being loved.
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