I have been slacking recently due to a nasty bout with a cold as well as a birthday and so many plans that may days didn't even seem to exist. Now that things have slowed a bit I am excited to come back. I turned 23 this past week and decided that there is really nothing special about turning 23. My insurance went down approx $12 a month... that still fails to offset the motorcycle accident we were in. FYI Roscoe is not allowed to purchase a bike in the near future. I told him the next time it would be even discussable is after the kids are grown and we both have life insurance policies. Until then it is not negotiable.
We had an ice storm the other day, and of course I ran out of medicine. I think I may have to brave the cold today and get some medicine and some lemon tea. I'm dreading it deeply. Lol.
Last, but not least, I would like to share that our countdown for Roo is now at 72 days, it's just around the corner and we are so excited to meet her!xx
I wish you all a very warm and happy day . If you are traveling please be safe. And is always, let the good Lord bless you.
Hope you feel better!