Hey y'all. Before I was a mom I would laugh at the Facebook posts that start off. " Well, I washed a disposable diaper today......" I would always think to myself what kind of oblivious boob would wash a disposable diaper? Well folks, I am that boob. If you, like many, use disposable pads, diapers, pull ups, depends etc. then you are most likely that boob too. We can blame it on whatever we need to, lack of sleep, obliviousness, helpful kids, lazy kids, pre morning coffee but at the end of the day we are stuck cleaning it up, and cleaning it up, and cleaning it up. Those little pellets of Satan get EVERYWHERE, stick to EVERYTHING, cannot be swept or vaccumed up. So how, dear readers, do we fight and beat the gel pellet hell? I will tell you! Hope is not lost! We will prevail! Follow this step by step process for best results.

Take a deep breath. No doubt this happened just as you were running late for work or trying to get some kidlets on the bus or the like. This too will pass and being angry at each individual pellet is not only unhelpful but it is also pointless.

Take all the gel covered clothing and put them in a basket.

Once your washer is empty of clothing but still full of pellets, take a dry paper towel and wipe out as much of the blobby goober globs that you can. Change paper towels often, this is not the time to be "eco friendly."

I added some salt into the rinse and spin cycle (22 minutes on my washer) and ran the washer empty. Note: I had to repeat this step twice.

While the washer is de-pelletifying *yeah, add that to your spell checker* shake off the clothing, I opted for outside...... (not the most eco friendly at this moment please forgive me)

Put the clothing in the washing machine with more salt. I literally just took a salt shaker and tipped it over for two Mississippi (completely legit measure of time, if you are from Mississippi thank you for your contribution to our measurement system)

Start the washer, put it on cycle heavy wash with the added rinse cycle. If you really would like to go for the gusto add on the pre soak feature as well.

After your wash cycle, that will most likely take every bit of 3 hours toss the clothing into the dryer.

Once your laundry is done drying, folded and put away (lets be honest, it will go into the basket until you need the clothes) pour yourself a sweet tea, lemonade, wine, coffee etc. and know that you worked hard today.
You know I have to say it because well, it is just who I am. But here are some preventative measures you can take.

Don't wash disposable garments. (this right here is a problem solving, life changer!)

Be eco friendly and use cloth.

Hire someone to wash your laundry for you. ( so when they are the boob THEY have to clean it and not you.....
Until next time............................
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