Saturday, December 30, 2017
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Planning Homemade Christmas Gifts
Good Afternoon Everyone!
Today I would like to talk to you about Christmas. Yes, Christmas. I know that y'all have gone to the store and saw that there are Christmas decorations already out, right next to Halloween. The only reason that I am recommending this is because crafting takes what? TIME! We all know that as the holidays creep closer and closer we have less and less free TIME. Do you see a pattern here? Now I am with y'all procrastinators, waiting until the last possible second and then stopping at the gas station on the way to the party. I get it, more than you know. However, in the spirit of planning I am recommending a jump start on Christmas gift making. Now I know ladies who started back in January for December gifts, bless their diligent hearts. That is not me and if you are still reading, I assume this is not you either. I can plan like a rock star but I just cannot think that far in advance, and that is OK. Here are some tried and true steps to getting this stuff done before Christmas.
Today I would like to talk to you about Christmas. Yes, Christmas. I know that y'all have gone to the store and saw that there are Christmas decorations already out, right next to Halloween. The only reason that I am recommending this is because crafting takes what? TIME! We all know that as the holidays creep closer and closer we have less and less free TIME. Do you see a pattern here? Now I am with y'all procrastinators, waiting until the last possible second and then stopping at the gas station on the way to the party. I get it, more than you know. However, in the spirit of planning I am recommending a jump start on Christmas gift making. Now I know ladies who started back in January for December gifts, bless their diligent hearts. That is not me and if you are still reading, I assume this is not you either. I can plan like a rock star but I just cannot think that far in advance, and that is OK. Here are some tried and true steps to getting this stuff done before Christmas.
- Make a list of everyone you are gifting this year.
- Do a Pinterest search. (Suggestions are: Easy Christmas gifts, DIY gift ideas, mason jar gifts, homemade Christmas)
- Once you have all your ideas saved, make a list of items needed to make the projects (I recommend doing multiples of each gift {ex: if you have 5 aunts make all 5 the same gift with a small variation})
- Looking at the list determine if this is a realistic amount of money you can spend to make these gifts, if so, proceed. If not, try and modify it until it fits your budget.
- Gather materials and set aside some time to work. Let's be honest, you can craft and binge Netflix your favorite shows. Or even better is to get a group of friends together and make the stuff together, assembly line style, don't forget the wine.
- Starting now will help you not panic at the last minute. You will show up to the party with a beautiful homemade gift and a non frazzled last minute gas station special.
I hope that these tips help you be a proactive gift maker/giver this year. Enjoy the time spent with friends and family with a little less stress this holiday season.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Finding Peace in a Situation
How many times have you sat there and just screamed inside? How many times have you been in a situation that you just could only see one side? I think we are all there more often than we like to admit.
For those of you who do not know me personally, I started my first semester of college last week. I have been met with a whole hill of naysayers from the beginning but, throughout this whole process of registering and battling with the massive paperwork and dealing with some, who probably should learn to do their jobs better, I forgot something. I suppose forgot really isn't the right word, maybe failed to consider? Yes, I failed to consider the fact that once in these classes I will be dealing with 18 year old kids. Yes, kids. I am really trying to remember the world through their eyes and can't. I am taking classes and having debates with people who think that grocery shopping is a "mom thing." Kids that think that tattoos are a right of passage when you turn 18. Believe me, I have been there but, when did I transition? While debating different kinds of marriages for a class I find myself getting so frustrated with them. WHY ARE YOU TALKING!? I literally yell at the computer forum as I read through post after post of nonsense and then I remember that they don't even know what real love is. They don't understand the time and commitment and highs and lows of being with one person for the rest of their life. That is not something that will be taught in a textbook or class. That realistically may be something that they never experience. I feel so frustrated but who am I actually frustrated with? I am more frustrated with myself. I need to find a way to reach the kids who are open to listening. I sat next to someone who had asked about my planner. He said he had never used one or saw one in use. I told him how I lay it out and let him flip through the pages. He said he would go get one to organize his classes. Now if he does great, but if he doesn't I still won't be upset. He was receptive to listening and I was able to share "wisdom" ( am I really THAT old!?). I am hoping that as time goes on I will be more open minded because right now if I cannot find peace, it is going to be a loooooooong 8 semesters.
That is my current situation however, you may be in something similar. At work maybe? Or maybe you have to call a service center and talk to someone. Maybe there is an obnoxious co-worker or friend of a friend.Whoever you are dealing with try and make sure you remember that they are people too. You are no less of a person to think to yourself, man, this dude needs to take a long run off a short pier, but find compassion for them regardless.
My challenge to you today is simple, see both sides of the world at face value.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
ipsy Review

This blog contains affiliate links that benefit me in a referral program. All opinions are honest and my own.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Gel Pellet Hell ** What To Do When You Wash a Diaper**
Hey y'all. Before I was a mom I would laugh at the Facebook posts that start off. " Well, I washed a disposable diaper today......" I would always think to myself what kind of oblivious boob would wash a disposable diaper? Well folks, I am that boob. If you, like many, use disposable pads, diapers, pull ups, depends etc. then you are most likely that boob too. We can blame it on whatever we need to, lack of sleep, obliviousness, helpful kids, lazy kids, pre morning coffee but at the end of the day we are stuck cleaning it up, and cleaning it up, and cleaning it up. Those little pellets of Satan get EVERYWHERE, stick to EVERYTHING, cannot be swept or vaccumed up. So how, dear readers, do we fight and beat the gel pellet hell? I will tell you! Hope is not lost! We will prevail! Follow this step by step process for best results.
Take a deep breath. No doubt this happened just as you were running late for work or trying to get some kidlets on the bus or the like. This too will pass and being angry at each individual pellet is not only unhelpful but it is also pointless.
Take all the gel covered clothing and put them in a basket.
Once your washer is empty of clothing but still full of pellets, take a dry paper towel and wipe out as much of the blobby goober globs that you can. Change paper towels often, this is not the time to be "eco friendly."
I added some salt into the rinse and spin cycle (22 minutes on my washer) and ran the washer empty. Note: I had to repeat this step twice.
While the washer is de-pelletifying *yeah, add that to your spell checker* shake off the clothing, I opted for outside...... (not the most eco friendly at this moment please forgive me)
Put the clothing in the washing machine with more salt. I literally just took a salt shaker and tipped it over for two Mississippi (completely legit measure of time, if you are from Mississippi thank you for your contribution to our measurement system)
Start the washer, put it on cycle heavy wash with the added rinse cycle. If you really would like to go for the gusto add on the pre soak feature as well.
After your wash cycle, that will most likely take every bit of 3 hours toss the clothing into the dryer.
Once your laundry is done drying, folded and put away (lets be honest, it will go into the basket until you need the clothes) pour yourself a sweet tea, lemonade, wine, coffee etc. and know that you worked hard today.
You know I have to say it because well, it is just who I am. But here are some preventative measures you can take.
Don't wash disposable garments. (this right here is a problem solving, life changer!)
Be eco friendly and use cloth.
Hire someone to wash your laundry for you. ( so when they are the boob THEY have to clean it and not you..... )
Until next time............................

You know I have to say it because well, it is just who I am. But here are some preventative measures you can take.

Until next time............................
Friday, April 22, 2016
Hysterectomies for Everyone!!!!
As I venture out post surgery I have ran into some interesting comments. I am a 28 year old tooting around Walmart on an amigo of course people are going to ask. My children, bless their hearts, have taken it upon themselves to thwart off questions and like to announce, "my mom had her uterus taken out." Betcha didn't see that answer coming did you cashier? One lady nodded and without skipping a beat said well that is nice dear. Others blush or go "Oh, but your so young." The ones that have me absolutely baffled are the One Up Wendys. The who??? Yeah you know who I am talking about. Everybody knows at least one, and sadly a large portion of us know many. If you do not know any One Up Wendys I am sorry to tell you that you might as well accept that in your group of friends YOU are in fact, Wendy. Here is how the conversation goes:
Kay- I had surgery.
Wendy- I have had more than one surgery. Did you have it laproscopic?
Kay- Yes I did, I went home same day. It was nice to be able to relax in my own bed.
Wendy.- When I had laproscopic surgery I got up right off the operating table and walked home up hills both ways.
Kay- That's cool. I was down for about a week.
Wendy.- Yeah I was at dinner at the White House the same night.
I mean come on ladies. What happened to solidarity. What happened to just being there for your fellow woman???
The worst thing I have ran into thus far are the Drive Thru Sues. I am appalled at the amount of women who have legitimately said oh you had a hysterectomy? I was thinking about having one cuz I am sooooo over periods. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!!! You are not ordering a Happy Meal here you are talking about MAJOR surgery. Which should only happen when MEDICALLY NECESSARY. Not because you find blood inconvenient. The whole idea of going under the knife gave me anxiety of epic levels and this lady just said she wanted a hysterectomy so nonchalantly as if she was talking about ordering her morning latte. Pass.
I hope you enjoyed the wonderful world through my eyes.
Until next time .......
Thursday, March 10, 2016
The Winner of the Giveaway!!!!
For those of you who have never used rafflecopter..... if you every have a giveaway I highly recommend it. You create your original post and then literally rafflecopter does the rest...... they even collaborated with to choose a winner.... all I had to do was click a button that says choose a winner!?!? Couldn't be easier. Thank you so much for taking the time to enter the giveaway. If you want to keep receiving information on MORE AWESOME GIVEAWAYS please send me a quick e-mail to subject heading GIVEAWAYS and I will save and e-mail you only with giveaway information. All information will stay with me.... no third party mailing.
Thank you again! I hope to see you back here soon!
Check out the post to see if you won!
Winner is announced HERE!
Thank you again! I hope to see you back here soon!
Check out the post to see if you won!
Winner is announced HERE!
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